Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Stitches and Cancer

I want to write a book.
But every time I finish like two chapters then realise that the idea I had for the book is not going to convey the message I intended it to when I started, so I try to go back and change it but then I find there's nothing I want to change, so I start again with a different idea.
And the cycle repeats.

It's not just books though, recently I've been going over all my old lyrics and random notated tangents of thought (I don't even know if that makes sense it just sounded awesome so I'm going to keep it) and I keep running into the exact same problem.
The worst part about it is if you show it to someone they just nod and pretend that it's awesome, or 'fine'. So fair enough if you don't want to criticise someones work for the fear of hurting their feelings, but criticism is good sometimes.

(If you're bored go read Unwind, it's sweet and easy to read)


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Force of Habit

Fun things to do when you have spare change:

Give Wayd gas money << this is probably my favourite one. FOR THE GREATER GOOD!

Buy a stack of 1$ cds from Real Groovy. Really happy with this last bunch, got some messed up techno thing and a sweet millencolin ripoff band.

Buy a burger, take out the patty and take it back and ask for free stuff (Fuckin' McD's =.=).

MCC. Do I really need to say anymore?

Hello habits.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Why Don't You Just Drop Out, Asshole?

Come to the realisation that I don't really give a shit about much at all, and to be honest I can't remember the last time I really did.

At one stage I was fully dedicated to the band, but that all turned to shit and I kind of lost faith in that.

Wait maybe that's a lie.
I really want to get this van and take a trip around NZ with a couple of mates, but I think the initial idea/purpose/whatever has been lost to them (sorry, maybe I'm wrong but money wasn't the idea, ever.), that doesn't mean we won't still do it, it just got me thinkin'.
I dunno.

I don't think I'll drink for awhile, not that I've been drinking much lately anyways, and not because I hate the repercussions of my drinking, I just want to save some cash and to be honest I can't really see the point of it at the moment.
Then again, I'll probably be drinking within a week.

If my brother gets me full time work I'm totally dropping out of MAINZ, don't even feel like I belong there anymore which is messed up as I spent like half of last year fantasising about it =.

I dunno, this is kind of a misery post just to get stuff out of my head onto paper. Or blog I guess.

I want a month, even a week would do, at this rate I think I'll be lucky to get a day.

No cookie for you ^^

Next blog will be more of a blog and not trash.

Oh and my car is a deathtrap. Seriously.
Hey that ain't a bad name for a band - This Car is a Deathtrap.

New musix

Michael Jordan Touchdown Pass.
Millencolin (okay it's not new but Hellman is AWESOME).
Against Me!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why don't you get a life?

Hello I do have a life, it's called MCC.
And I did have one anyways, but it sucked so I rerolled a gnome warlock.
But when it comes down to it, I just lost my train of thought.

Holy shit Amy Miret is hawt.

There's something about punk girls which is just seriously hot.
Like Brody Dale. Attitude?

Gamer girls still win though.

P.s I wanna see District 9! >:D

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Bacon Sandwiches. Yum!
And nobody caught me out on not saying hello >.> so no cookie :D
Probably because there's only like 2 people watching this blog but meh =)

So I went to see this pretty cool band on friday called IRON MAIDEN :D:D:D:D:D
No seriously though, this concert was incredible. I would in all seriousness pay that $150 just to see The Evil That Men Do or Fear of the Dark [Live at Rock in NZ xD] again.

The stage set up was amazing, they had these MASSIVE posters in the background that revolved for like every song :0. They had this wicked egyptian theme going (from Powerslave), the drumkit looked SO phat, I wanted to thief it :D:D. Honestly it's really hard to like, kind of explain what it was like to people who didn't go, and there's almost no point in explaining it to the people that did go >.< BUT MEH.

Dickinson is my fuckin' hero, he's got so much freakin' energy it's amazing. Like every second song he'd changed outfit it was lol as, in The Trooper he had this badass british soldier outfit and was running around waving this flag it was srs win.
Plus he's got like the most powerful voice in all of metal (as far as I know) when it comes to playing live. His evil laughs sent shivers down my spine, shivers that made me headbang >.>... alot :D.

When it came to the actual moshpit, it was pretty, I dunno the word, sedate? No big ass fight circles and walls of death and shit which, given the type of music wasn't suprising. And tbh, I prefered it that way, there was no way I was going to have my IRON MAIDEN concert ruined by an elbow to the face or some shit.

And EDDIE was there :D, half way through the concert (I think it was on Iron Maiden? the song?) this giant robot comes cruising out on to stage and like attacks Steve Harris, while he fights it off with his bass :p and then it took a quick shake in the middle of the stage LOL.

I dunno what else to talk about >.<

Just know that if you didn't go

You missed out =).

P.S: go watch (actually listen(, it's not maiden but it's swheet :).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Breakdown Of My Classes

Working in Music - that's the business side of music; how to organise the band, how to get gigs, copyrighting songs, how to appeal to an audience etc... This class is the shit.

Music Knowledge 1 - Wtf I got into the advanced theory class, I'm pretty much fucked. But this class is awesome, I know how to play most of the major scales now and yeah, this is awesome.

Music Knowledge 2 - Lyrical Composition. I thought that this was going to be one of my favourite classes, as I love writing lyrics. Except it's stupid. The teacher thinks Avril Lavigne has good lyrics. Screw her. Get Dustin Kensrue in here or something. Hell MY lyrics are better.
Dustin Kensrue is a genius though, like all he does is get better with every album, so addicted to The Melting Point of Wax atm;

There's no promise of safety with these secondhand wings
But I'm willing to find out what impossible means.
Climb to the heavens on feathers and dreams
Because the melting point of wax means nothing to me.
Nothing to me.

Music Performance 1 + 2 (both assessed together) - Is pretty pimpin', they chuck us into a band with a bunch of random people and a genre which we have to play 3 covers and 1 original in every month (new band every month). So that's pretty phat :D, good practice too.

Music Technology - Don't start this for a while so I dunno, probably awesome.


And that's it.
This course is the shit xD.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Is BY FAR the best evil anime character. EVER. I mean he's not even evil, he's just confused ^_^.
Honestly, everytime he starts talking it's like beautiful sadistic poetry.

Shinichiro Watanabe is a genius, his characters are actually 'real', none of these bullshit super powers and weapons, the people actually talk and react like humans would. The cowboy series is good, the movie is SO GOOD.

If you haven't seen Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heavens Door, ask me for it. NOW.

Rant over, and here's a picture of Vincent just for the hell of it;

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Is so freakin' cool.

Honestly right now I'm listening to a tab called 'That Looks Like A Time Machine To Me' and I have to say, it's pretty damn badass and relaxing.

I wish that bands would release like bonus Midi tracks on their cds, considering their only like 5 or 6kb files I really don't think it'd be a big deal with the production company, and it'd show us (or at least give the impression of) that the artists had put in hard thought and time into their work and it wasn't just a bunch crudely put together, day before recording, um, recordings?

Plus it'd make a tabbers life a million times easier just being able to import a Midi into Powertab or Guitar Pro or something, rather than buying the artists song book or spending hours on end finding the exact progression of chords/notes, tuning, etc... Hello.

I think the general public would disagree with me though, honestly noone seems to care much for Midi thesedays (or ever probably), which is pretty sad seeing as it was like one of the reolutionary points in music history (imo :D).

Plus all that badass Final Fantasy music was in Midi, and look how EPIC the Black Mages made that (if you haven't heard of the Black Mages before, I recommend you go download everything they've ever made, it's phat).

Oh and Guitar Pro is the shit.

Friday, January 30, 2009

A train of thought...

This is more a train of thought rather than anything else so don't expect any answers, and hello btw ^-^.

It seems to me that the greatest question in life is not actually 'what is the meaning of life?' but rather 'what is the meaning of death?', maybe they're the same question deep down? But I find myself questioning the reason why we have to die and what happens next, rather than what is the meaning of me being here in the first place.

Is death a means to control humanity?
According to the bible we used to live to be much older, hundreds of years old, so why don't we anymore? Maybe aging is a type of survival mechanism built in to all life on this planet, if humans had never stopped living to 300 years old we would be more or less extinct now from chewing through the worlds resources. Of course the development of pathogens and other antagonists of life are to blame I guess, but it's still worth pondering over.
Maybe I've just been reading too much Logan's Run (if you haven't seen the film or read the book I recommend it).

Which kind of leads me to that in effect, we are designed to die.
Is that why we find the need to believe that this life must continue after death? I guess it's selfish in a way, we've been given this amazing life and yet we still ask for more, as if this life isn't good enough. Take the life of a butterfly who would be lucky to live to be a year old, I wonder if it ponders how long it will exist? Whether or not there is an afterlife?

To my knowledge not once in the bible does God or Jesus ever condemn any man or woman to hell, even Lucifer will be redeemed one day and be granted homeage in heaven. So why should an afterlife be any different to the world we live in?
Hell this world is hardly perfect, but all the daily horrors are horrors we have brought upon ourselves.
Unless this world is our Purgatory; a place between heaven and hell where we must first be purified of our sin before entering the embrace of God.

I think the mystery of death is what makes life so beautiful, on one hand you've got the ambition to make the most out of this life because it could the only life you get, but in the other hand you've got afterlife, and the idea that the way you live your life here could determine your fate for the rest of eternity.
One of the beautiful things in life is that when we find out the answer to this mystery, it well be our knowledge alone, not for the media to control and sell to us.

A question; if there is a heaven, and if it is the utopia as it is described, who are we in heaven? Are we the person we were when we died, when we were 5 years old, when we were in our prime years or what? The answer that we are simply ourselves in heaven doesn't make sense to me, we change so much in this lifetime that our identity when we young often hardly resembles the identity and persona that we progress (or regress) into throughout our lives.

One thing I dislike is when people believe they understand what happens once we die, if so, they understand life, which is bullocks, that's like the christians and preachers that claim to understand God. Go read the fuckin' Book of Job and tell me you understand God again.

I don't want to turn this into a discussion about the validity of God being omnipotent and omniscient thought so I'll stop here for now. Maybe I'll continue it later.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I don't actually think anyone says hello anymore, like the actual word hello. It's always an alternative; sup, hi, howsit, what's so bad with an old school hello?

I like hello, in fact, I'm going to say hello in every one of my posts for as long as I can remember to.

First one to catch me out gets a cookie.

So anyways, this is Wayds Amazing Blog and I'm Wayd. I like to LOL.
That's me there. It's not exactly a flattering photo but who really gives a fuck.

The first thing I'm going to talk about is this dial up connection thing that keeps coming up and asking me to connect to the internet, which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't pop up every 5 seconds and interrupt what I'm typing to people telling me I have to work offline CONSTANTLY FOR THE PAST HOUR EVEN THOUGH I'M USING WIRELESS. QQ.

Dial up is so hell.
Which is why I'm being a ninja and using my next door neighbours wireless, which I wouldn't have to do if Telecom would actually put an exchange somewhere in Riverhead. And here's where you ask me 'then how do your next door neighbours get wireless then?', I really don't have a clue and I'd probably ask them except I've probably been using up all their bandwidth in the past few months and I don't really want to volunteer myself to the slaughterhouse so yeah.
I think I'm moving out soon anyways to Ben's in Te Atatu so I can't really be bothered worrying about it.

Lack of Muffin.

I have no idea how to do polls on this site so here goes;

What's your favourite type of muffin?
-=Choc Chip?=-
-=White Choc and Raspberry=-
-=The one with raisins in it?=-
-=Cream Cheese and Lemon?=-
-=Other O,..,o?=-

I think like a Banana Choc Chip muffin wins hands down, unless there's some like Steak and Cheese muffin or somethin' THAT WOULD BE SO BADASS!!!@!?1

O.o Hows that a link o.O? Lawls.

I'll do a serious post now.

References: Casey and Nishhza for the muffins and stuff.