Thursday, January 29, 2009


I don't actually think anyone says hello anymore, like the actual word hello. It's always an alternative; sup, hi, howsit, what's so bad with an old school hello?

I like hello, in fact, I'm going to say hello in every one of my posts for as long as I can remember to.

First one to catch me out gets a cookie.

So anyways, this is Wayds Amazing Blog and I'm Wayd. I like to LOL.
That's me there. It's not exactly a flattering photo but who really gives a fuck.

The first thing I'm going to talk about is this dial up connection thing that keeps coming up and asking me to connect to the internet, which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't pop up every 5 seconds and interrupt what I'm typing to people telling me I have to work offline CONSTANTLY FOR THE PAST HOUR EVEN THOUGH I'M USING WIRELESS. QQ.

Dial up is so hell.
Which is why I'm being a ninja and using my next door neighbours wireless, which I wouldn't have to do if Telecom would actually put an exchange somewhere in Riverhead. And here's where you ask me 'then how do your next door neighbours get wireless then?', I really don't have a clue and I'd probably ask them except I've probably been using up all their bandwidth in the past few months and I don't really want to volunteer myself to the slaughterhouse so yeah.
I think I'm moving out soon anyways to Ben's in Te Atatu so I can't really be bothered worrying about it.

Lack of Muffin.

I have no idea how to do polls on this site so here goes;

What's your favourite type of muffin?
-=Choc Chip?=-
-=White Choc and Raspberry=-
-=The one with raisins in it?=-
-=Cream Cheese and Lemon?=-
-=Other O,..,o?=-

I think like a Banana Choc Chip muffin wins hands down, unless there's some like Steak and Cheese muffin or somethin' THAT WOULD BE SO BADASS!!!@!?1

O.o Hows that a link o.O? Lawls.

I'll do a serious post now.

References: Casey and Nishhza for the muffins and stuff.


  1. Raspberry and cream cheese. So other? Yep. But maybe banana. Tis definately a hard one.. I bet I could make a mean steak and cheese muffin tho.
    Ninjaing your neighbours wireless is pretty genius. I hate dial up.

  2. Blueberry are my favourite sorry to kill your poll.

  3. I don't like muffins, muffins like me.
