Saturday, January 31, 2009


Is so freakin' cool.

Honestly right now I'm listening to a tab called 'That Looks Like A Time Machine To Me' and I have to say, it's pretty damn badass and relaxing.

I wish that bands would release like bonus Midi tracks on their cds, considering their only like 5 or 6kb files I really don't think it'd be a big deal with the production company, and it'd show us (or at least give the impression of) that the artists had put in hard thought and time into their work and it wasn't just a bunch crudely put together, day before recording, um, recordings?

Plus it'd make a tabbers life a million times easier just being able to import a Midi into Powertab or Guitar Pro or something, rather than buying the artists song book or spending hours on end finding the exact progression of chords/notes, tuning, etc... Hello.

I think the general public would disagree with me though, honestly noone seems to care much for Midi thesedays (or ever probably), which is pretty sad seeing as it was like one of the reolutionary points in music history (imo :D).

Plus all that badass Final Fantasy music was in Midi, and look how EPIC the Black Mages made that (if you haven't heard of the Black Mages before, I recommend you go download everything they've ever made, it's phat).

Oh and Guitar Pro is the shit.

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